Friday 21 August 2015

The start of a new garden journey - August 2015

So why is it that so many people fail to live in harmony with our natural world instead wanting to master it and ravage it of all of its natural resources?  Why do so many human animals want to reign superior over this plant damaging it along the way?.... why don't more people see the damage we are doing to mother earth? ... and why don't more people create habitats for birds, bees and butterflies among other wild creatures? ... and why don't more people grown organic food in their gardens? ... why? ..oh why? ..oh why?  

You would think from this introduction to my blog that I am one loud mouthed Eco Warrior Woman shouting from the tree tops... well I am that too ... BUT this blog is more about my journey with the natural world.... my love of growing food and creating a haven for all wildlife in my ever changing seasonal garden.

Having recently moved dwelling with my tribe I now find myself with a new garden to create, and although the last few months have been about sorting out our new home, I have now managed to get sometime in the garden and started creating the wildlife haven, food growing, piece of earth that I crave.  It will take a long time to get it how I want it to be because the plans I have will take a few years to establish and a lot of the work will need to be done come the spring of next year, so this blog will start fairly sporadically as autumn approaches and winter take grip when I won't be in the garden as much, and my family and work life also need my attention.

But for now a shed has been erected for pottering in, new flower beds have been created that are bursting with beautiful bee and butterfly loving plants brought with me from my old garden.  A need for compost bins to be created is high on the agenda.  And today having cleared an area of garden a few days ago, I created my small but magical wildlife pond to encourage frogs, toads and other water loving creatures.  Of course it needs time to establish and for me to plant around it but it has a lot of promise.  There will be photos to follow soon.


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